- Anyone becoming a Vendor must complete a Vendor Application, read and agree to all contents of this document and pay the annual fee. The Market Manager will review applications and approval will be based on available space. Applicants may be placed on a Wait-list for non-produce items. See below for the definition of non-produce items. For the benefit of our Market community, The Dallas Farmers Market Manager reserves the right to prohibit anyone from selling at the Market.
- An Application is not complete until all fees are paid. A one-time, fee of $30.00 is due with the application. If your application is denied, the fee will be returned. A weekly fee of $10.00 is due by the close of each market. Checks can be made payable to the Dallas Farmers Market. This fee covers marketing and operating costs.
Guest Vendor fee is $15.00 per week. (This applies to invited special vendors with specialty produce).
The vendor should contact the Market Manager by Thursday noon of each Market week, so available products can be advertised and the Market Manager can advise the Wait List Vendors accordingly to assign spaces. IF a Vendor does NOT contact the Market Manager, the Vendor risks losing set up space at the Market that week. Contact: John Grant - Email:
Vendors should arrive at the Market by 7:30 AM Saturday to be assured a space. All vendor setup should be completed, with cars removed from the Market area by 8 AM. Please inform the Market Manager by Friday noon if you cannot attend. Caution. Registered vendors with 2 consecutive no-call no-shows will be returned to Guest Vendor status. Hours of market operation are Saturday, 8:00 AM until 12.00 PM Vendors are required to remain until the Market closes, due to safety and parking issues.
Each Vendor is encouraged to provide a tent, scales, display racks, tables, sacks, money to make change with, and post prices in full view with lettering and signs (please limit sign size to fit the individual space). Vendors will not break-down or pack-up until the Market closes. After closes Vendors should pack up and be ready to load out before retrieving their vehicle. Space is limited please be courteous and respectful of your fellow vendor.
Each vendor must post a sign stating where produce was grown. Example: Grown at Grice Farms: Cedartown, GA. Vendors must provide weights for their tent each week to secure them and ensure safety.
Food Vendors must abide by all applicable federal, state, and local health regulations.
Vendors are responsible for meeting the local, state, and federal requirements to sell their products. Examples include food safety requirements and licensing. For more information, vendors may contact the Georgia Dept. of Agriculture’s Consumer Protection Division at 404-656-3627. Licenses must be submitted with the application.
- Produce: This includes fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, and seedlings of edible products that the Vendor has grown. Resellers will be permitted to help offer produce to satisfy customer demand that local vendors are unable to supply. Local vendors will receive consideration ahead of resellers. Unlimited applications.
- Non-produce: This includes products made or produced by the Vendor. Examples are jams, jellies, sauces, oils, vinegar, molasses, baked goods, handmade soaps, bread, muffins, cookies, jerky, and honey. This also includes eggs, & pet treats. Crafts and fine art will be considered and approved on a case-by-case basis for Market relevance. All other items for sale in this category will be subject to approval. Limited applications.
A copy of the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s GUIDELINES FOR FOOD PRODUCTS SOLD AT EVENTS SPONSORED BY NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS will be given to each applicant. All products MUST be labeled with all ingredients listed accompanied by vendor name address and phone number.
Any applicant who wants to bring a non-produce item that is already being sold at the Market will be placed on a Waiting List. The Vendor will be contacted on Thursday if space becomes available. All items must be approved before selling at the Market. If unapproved items are offered by the Vendor, the Vendor will be asked to leave for the remainder of that day. On the second occurrence, that Vendor’s participation will be revoked for the remainder of the season, with no refund of fees.
Each Vendor may set his or her own prices. Prices should be set in keeping with customer satisfaction.
The 2025 Market season will open every Saturday from 8 AM – 12-Noon beginning April 26nd through August 30th. The market will be closed on July 2nd.
The Market will open each Saturday and remain open unless the weather is dangerous. Dangerous weather will be defined as high winds and/or lightning. The decision to attend the market during inclement weather is each vendor’s responsibility.
Any grievance that cannot be resolved should be reported to the Market Manager who will address and settle the issue. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.